A couple years ago I thought it would be fun to grow my hair out. I have always had very short hair and while my husband seemed to dig me, I knew he wanted it longer. Because I am such a loving wife (and was kind of bored with it myself) I spent two. long. years. growing it out.
Instead of making me feel all feminine and pretty, my curly, long hair made me feel like a big old frumpity-dump. I didn't feel like myself. Plus, I hated nothing more than finding long hairs all over the house, in my purse, my car, on my clothes. And the grossness that was my bathroom after a blow dry? I won't even talk about that.
When I told my husband I had scheduled a hair appointment, he made one request, which really threw me. Because I don't think anyone has ever really had a say in my hairstyle decisions since I was 10 and I got the Dorthy Hamill 'do. Not to mention the fact that I got married when I was 34, and that just ain't the way I roll. But I "listened" to his suggestions.
Tom asked me to have Ginger cut my hair so that I had "a few whispies" along the side and back. I didn't get what he was trying to explain to me. So the man DREW me a picture. Of how I should cut my hair. I thought it was a cute thing to do and very, very funny.I arrived at my appointment without the picture but I shared the story with Ginger. When I laughingly told her about the "whispies", she said (and I quote) "Yes! Exactly! I was thinking whispies too!". So apparently Tom should join forces with Tim Gunn and help women everywhere look more beautiful.
And because some people won't shut up about it, here are my before and after pictures.

And, After!

For more Fight The Frump tips, go see Fussy!
And check out Sassy's Fiction Friday here!
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I do like the short cut, and now you'll finally stop whining about hating your hair.
Hey, I didn't know Tom knew Tim Gun!
Yeah, they're BFF's. Tim's at The Cross in the Woods with us in that picture. We were on our way to Mackinaw City to stay at the water park and then go over to the island.
I was wondering about that> I like the short do its very sophisticated.
I cannot make up my mind on how long I want my hair, so I end up ignoring it until i REALLY need a cut. I love your spikey do. It's really suave.
Your hair didn't look bad to begin with...just saying.
But I do love your short new sassy 'do. I've been growing out my hair for 1 1/2 years now...so I completely understand.
I love the new 'do'.
I'm in the midst of trying to grow my hair back out - I like it to be 'ponytail' length. And you know, I used to secretly (and not so secretly) covet curly hair.
In the past few years, I've realize that curly hair is just wayyyyyy to high maintenance for a girl like me - I'm strictly wash and wear.
I think u look hawt - I need to do something with my hair -- maybe you can inspire me.
You do look really good and I'm glad Tom helped you out there. Never would have thought it though, Tom and his regular ol' barber shop cut.
Now its your turn though. Go draw a picture of Tom with a super cool haircut and send him to Salon Saloon. Tell him to get his haircut and have a brewsky. Nothing more manly than that.
LOVE your new 'do. I saw it when you left a post on the Cool Chicks blog. Your stories are hilarious. I guess it's time to stop lurking and start interacting! LOL! :)
ew la la, Tom looks hot! You don't look bad either. Love the do.
OH MY GOSH!!! Has this been up all day!?! How have I missed it?
LOVING the hair!!!
You look younger! Does your honey love it too? It will still take me awhile to recognize you and your professional looking self!
That's so funny. He was right though, loving the whispies :-)
Amazing! It looks great and wouldn't be the same without the whispys. I think you should post the picture he drew...too funny. Who knew he was so talented in this area?
Yes, where is hubby's drawing?? Love your hair. So amazingly cute with dangly earrings! It really suits you.
Super smart hubby! Love the photoshop job!!
Your new haircut is absolutely perfect for you! It is so flattering and brings attention to your adorable face and bright eyes! Great frump fighting!!
I love it! You look hot with that haircut! Good job - and your hubby has a good eye!
what a funky, fun haircut. i am now growing mine out. for the time being.
Too funny...
Cute whispy cut !
Growing out hair is so hard!! Cute cut!
Very funny - and your hair looks terrific. So, inquiring minds want to know, was this the wispy he had in mind?
I'm having a similar issue myself - haircut is Wednesday.
How kicky is that cut?? Adorable and sassy! You might have to start being "Sister Honey Bunch Mc Sassafrass" :)
Really cute!
too cute, I bet you feel like yourself again. does Tom have any ideas for my hair?
Ann here:) Judi, you are too funny. Thanks for sharing your story. I still can't believe he drew you a picture. Your new do looks great (but I think it looked good longer too). I've grown my hair out 'pre-kids' and it just doesn't work for me anymore, so I hear ya sister!
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