Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Unknowing Observer of Plight

Kiki looking out the window as a Homeless man walks by

For more go to Wordless Wednesday
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Karen said...

For some reason, that makes me nervous. Come visit my WW.

Write From Karen said...

That makes me sad. Poor homeless guy.

Write From Karen

Sister Sassy said...

This is very sad. I think its really easy for people to go about their day and never realize there are so many people without homes.

Most of them are homeless due to mental illness, not laziness like some tend to believe.

Sister Sassy said...

Anyone else think its odd that my first two comments were both Karens? :)

Anonymous said...

Touching photo.

Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

That is strange.

Great picture Sassy. Sad though.

Ashlee said...

Amazing you were able to catch this photo at just the right time. I like how you changed it to black and white. It really helps to capture the "feeling" behind the photo. Our kids don't understand...we need to help them to see the world in all shades. It's not all fluffy and bubbles. There is heartache and sadness out there too.

Anonymous said...

This is a great shot. I like how you framed it and the surreal feeling that it gives. Almost like your son is watching something other than reality...

Glad to see you join the WW fun. I am such a slacker this week. I need to catch up!

Montay said...

WOW is all I can say! That is a great pic Love it!!!!

Jen said...

This is a powerful, if very sad, photo. I'm glad it's Kiki behind the door and not the other way around. In Ann Arbor, the majority of homeless are children, currently.

Sister Sassy said...

Ashlee- thanks. I agree that our kids don't yet realize that people have different lives than them. I think Logan actually does know a homeless kid in his school though. Its a reality.

Kspin- you hit it right. It is like he's viewing something unreal. I had two ways of looking at this- it could be a showing of innocence vs experience of life and such OR it could be a comment on how Homelessness can be put on display, something to look at through windows like a zoo but not truly fixed. Shrug :)

Montay-thanks :) I would have liked to have washed the windows first. :(

Jen- you are so right. CHildren make up a large group of the homeless, as do teens (couch surfers). Its quite sad.

Momma Mary said...

This is a great picture. Karen was right though. My grandfather was homeless for a long time -- most of my life in fact. And it was due to mental illness. NOT Laziness. He despises laziness, and is terribly embarrassed about his years as a drifter (now that he's better - medicated - and sees things differently). He finally found help and is now a home owner in ID. :)

Sister Sassy said...

Thanks for adding to my comment about it being from mental illness. I remember a girl who told her questioning son that the man sleeping on the bench was lazy, my friend turned to her and started educating her about why most people are homeless. (she later told me this story).

Its so sad when ignorance can lead to a lack of compassion and disgust. I'm so glad your grandfather got the help he needed to have a stable home.