Monday, September 1, 2008

Finding What Was Lost

I used to see everything as a potential picture. While I was in High School and College, it was like I saw the world through the lens of my camera. If there was something there that looked interesting, I'd snap a picture. Back then, with film, I'd be careful to not waste.

And on the occasions that I forgot my camera, or Sister 7 was in possession and refused to give it to me, I have memories of lost pictures that I was never able to take. Like the everglades reflected off the murky Floria water, or the woman holding her baby and walking along the train tracks with a toddler following close behind. Lost photos.

So you'd think I'd know enough to carry my camera with me where ever I went. Not so. You see, as life goes on and you go through the motions of your life, you leave your passions behind sometimes. They seem silly, wasteful or not worthy of the effort or money. I'm not sure what happened to mine, mine was probably more about money involved in film purchase and development. But I stopped looking for photographs in the world around me.

Until now. However I've not gotten back in the practice of taking my camera wherever I go. But I refuse to have missed appointments with potentially great pictures. Or not great pictures even. I don't care since I have my new Digital SLR.

This is one picture that I nearly missed. Its not totally amazing or anything, but I'm still glad I snatched it. I saw this on the way to Daycare, the sun was rising and the area was filled with a smoky haze that covered the ground.
It looked particularly striking over the water. So after I dropped my boys off, I ran home for my camera. That day I had forgotten my cell phone or I probably would have taken the shot with my phone and been satisfied.

This is the same shot with a Infrared Film effect applied. Infrared is one of my favorite effects to use.
And here was another shot I nearly missed. But luckily I at least had my phone. I ran through the water and had Aunt Honey stay near them in case they toppled off. I really wanted to capture this moment since JimmyEW was working and I knew he'd really want to see this.

What are some things you loved that you let get lost? Perhaps you can find your way back to them? What is life if you don't have something that you love that is yours alone?

What's that? You want to comment? Just click on the itty-bitty words below that say "Gimme Some Sugar". Can you see them? Good. We can't wait to chat with you.


heather said...

OK sisters, I love your pictures. I totally can't take pictures, they come out terribly.

But on a brighter note, I gave you some bloggy love today on my blog, so go get your award and pass it on!

Jen said...

My fiction writing is mine alone, but I hope it doesn't get too lost.

I love those shots. I actually like the first one better without the effect, but they both look pretty amazing to me.

Sister Sassy said...

Wow Heather, really? We've been such slacker bloggers this summer too. Thanks! I never know what to do with awards. I still need to pay it forward from the one Jen gave me.

Jen, thanks for the comments. I wasn't sure which I liked better- I always want to see the pictures in print to really see what I like best.

Valarie Lea said...

I am so totally the same way with my camera. I love taking it with me everywhere and when I leave it at home, I feel lost without it.

Ashlee said...

I am an obsessive picture taker. And when I don't have my camera with me, I am always angry because I see things I wish I could capture on film. You know? I do like that, for at least a little bit, I have the mental picture in my mind.

Victoria said...

I used to be that way with my camera. I have many beautiful pictures of pebbles, and shadows, and gnarly leaves. I haven't yet found a digital that I can take photos with as well as my old point and shoot film camera. Probably because I don't have a fancy schmancy SLR like you. Or because I suck. I also love to write. I don't do it nearly enough though. Something about it chokes me. Maybe I care too much?

Anonymous said...

I too had forgotten my passion for photography until just recently. I think the only still lost thing now is gardening...can't wait to start that up again!

Great shots! Love the effects!