Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Morning Musings

I know I was going to pick a winner for the music and feelings contest, and I still promise too, but I need to just wait until after Halloween and things calm down.

Halloween isn't something I grew up celebrating, because of the cult you know. During school parties you'd find us sitting outside the office coloring something. It was the devils holiday so we would turn our lights off and refuse the persistent trick or treater candy. . And Every now and then we'd get tp'ed. But oh well, right?

Personally, I could care less about the candy or the going door to door. That didn't really appeal to me either way. But more than anything what I wanted to do was dress up. I wanted to be someone else for a night, to pretend and look glamorous or exotic. But no. By the time we exited our cult I was too old to try to get away with dressing up unless I was lucky enough to be invited to a party.

But I'm not letting that stop me this year. I don't care, I'm dressing up. I was going to wear an old boring renaissance dress but in the middle of the night I decided that I'm going to go as a Hogwarts Witch. I have a cape that I have safety pinned the Hogwarts School Banner to, I have witchy shoes, I have Hogwarts socks (Slytherin and Griffindor, I hoping to find a matching pair but if I only find one of each then I'll just be a confused Hogwarts witch). I even have a broom and Scabbers the Rat.

The boys are being Batman and Robin and Jim is going as a super foxy Vampire. Yum! Sorry if that just made you throw up in your mouth.

I also just got my hair cut for the first time in a year. The last time I got it cut was during the infamous hair show that left Sister HB fuming. I stuck around and got a great do with awesome color, but I didn't keep it up.

So yesterday I went in and had the girl there do whatever she felt like. I really dig this chick, I would totally make her be friends with me! She lives kind of far away or I would try to trick her into coming over one day. Not that I have to force all my friends into an unwilling friendship, I just find people sometimes don't have the time to make new friends...sigh...

So here's my hair and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

What's that? You want to comment? Just click on the itty-bitty words below that say "Gimme Some Sugar". Can you see them? Good. We can't wait to chat with you.


Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween to you too! All of my kids are Hogwarts wizards this year. You'd fit right in around here! J and I are being slackers and not dressing up this year. Maybe next year...

Alison said...

Your hair is super cute! I'm sure your vampire will be dying to bite your neck.

OK, sorry for the lame joke.

Mentioning your cult's aversion to Halloween reminded me of my church growing up--we could trick or treat but (I just wrote about this on my blog today) for a couple of years at the church fall festival we had to dress up as bible characters.

No wonder I don't dress up as an adult.

saintseester said...

I still dress up. I love it. My poor husband though. In the past few years he's been a gigantic trashy easter bunny and one of cinderella's ugly stepsisters (when my daughter went as cindy).

Sister Sassy said...

Ha! Thats funny. I saw a few cross dressers. Ugly step sister is great!

saintseester said...

PS I love the hair and your color is gorgeous.

Ashlee said...

Your hair looks so good! I want to see a picture of you guys all dressed up. Pretty please with sugar on top?

Hope you had a great night. It was crazy around here, but we had fun.

Victoria said...

You are hot :) I hope you enjoyed your Halloween. I never dress up. I am a stick in the mud.

Jen said...

Your hair is absolutely fabulous! Seriously!!!

I did NOT dress up and enjoyed that. I spent many, many years dressing up and I'm just glad to be liberated!

Helena said...

You look so cool in that photo! :-)

But Devil's holiday?? How about all the dead people that you were supposed to remember? Was that bad too? Oh well, having grown up in a religious family, nothing surprises me anymore. I wasn't even allowed to whistle because it was sin.

Shalee said...

Love your hair!!! Hmmm, I've been thinking that it's time for a change again...

Sister Sassy said...

Thanks Shalee :) how do you like the zit?