Yep! we got tattoos!
Last week Wednesday was Blessing Day. What is Blessing Day? Well, its the day formally known as the Hill-iversary, the day six months and one week ago, when JimmyEW and I decided to stay married. Read about that here. So on our six month anniversary of us both being in love with each other, we got the same tattoo in the same location. Romantic, isn't it? The tattoo is of a tree, which we both have always sort of held as our family symbol, a moon and sun and the word Ezer K'negdo.

The other big surprise to Blessing Day was what JimmyEW did to prove a bit of a point to me. In church we had to write how we were a blessing and I had a hard time coming up with something. Jim says I'm a blessing to him but I have a hard time swallowing that.
So he surprised me with a stack of letters that were hand written by him but from all of my friends and family and people I haven't talked to in years about how I was a blessing to them. It totally made me cry. And there was one from a friend that I haven't been in touch with for years, someone I was afraid I'd failed. Her response let me know that she knew I really did love her and helped

Some of the responses were very unexpected and heartwarming and some made me laugh hard. Like my nephew Jeff who said, "Sassy was, and is, a blessing to me when she calls me Ffej, which always brings me a smile." As much as I want to share so much of what people said, I want to respect their privacy and don't want to cheapen their kind words by broadcasting it on the net without their permission. And I'm too lazy and tired to seek their permission. And Ffej, sorry for not asking your permission, ;). But what an amazing gift, amazing affirmation, and an amazing man I have. Not to mention amazing friends and family! Wow! I am one lucky girl.
What is the nicest thing someone has done for you? Have you done something nice for someone lately? I think its time for me to pay it forward. HB, you want me to babysit Bologna over night in a few weekends from now?
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That is a really cool thing. We wrote letters to my nephew the other day during his confirmation. I think I am gonna use this idea in a couple of months when Jess graduates. Ya know send her off into the world with alot of affirmation. (Even though shes not going anywhere but here for right know)
Oh I forgot, cool tattoo. Just don't tell my Jess that I said that she wants one and I wont let her get one. :)
I want a tattoo, but my husband won't get one with me. Mainly because I want a fleur de lis.
What a wonderful story; your faith and dedication to each other is very inspiring, you know.
I love the letters people sent. Sometimes we forget the impact we have on others lives.
And I'm sure Bologna would love to come spend the night.
I could never get a tatoo...I'm too much of a wimp. :0) But yours is beautiful in meaning...a permanent symbol of your new love affair with each other.
And...don't you just love your Nikon? That's the camera we've got. My hubby has a degree in photography, and had all the cool lenses and extra flases and what not for his film Nikon camera, so he was thrilled that he could use them interchangeably with his Nikon digital. :0) We use it frequently. And it does take a great picture.'re a blessing to me too! Both you and HB...I live for your comments. Everyone around here wants to know who you are. :0) I tell them you're my "peeps". :0) You two always write such good posts that make me think. Not just fluff...I tend to write more fluff. Sorry you're not getting inspired on my blog. :0) I'll work on that one. But YES! You both are a blessing.
have I done something nice for someone lately? Not at the lengths your awesome JEW went...I went to go help out my friend who just had a baby that doesn't like to let her sleep. She's slowly losing her sanity. I feel for her because my daughter was the same way. :0)
Ashlee, you know you're our BFF. When I don't see you around here I get to missing you.
Valarie- you should definately have people do that. Also have them add one thing they wish they would have known when they were venturing out. A peice of wisdom. THat would serve her well.
Seester-why not sit down with hubby and come up with something toether that has meaning for both of you?
HB- we'll schedule something with Bologna
Ash- you are so sweet! thanks!
And seriously, you helping that friend is something I'm sure she won't forget. Lack of sleep will drive any woman over the edge. Good for you!
I love the tattoo and the letters. There is NOTHING more special than reading heartfelt sentiments from people who love you.
Maybe I should write a letter to someone who won't expect it.
A tattoo to signify our love. I like it!
I'm jealous of the camera! and of course of your sweet husband and the letters. This really makes me want to do something extra special and out of the ordinary this week for someone...
Thanks for the inspirations!
Great post Sassy!
I love your tat! I am a needle phobe tho, so it wouldn't work for me. I can understand why it hurt there because it is a sensitive part of your neck/upper back.
Oh, oh, oh!!!!! LOVE the tattoos...almost as much as your new camera.
*wipes off drool*
I'm surprised that you didn't get a rooster tattoo. I thought that was the family symbol?!?
Hairline, writing a letter is so nice and better than an email. Whoever you choose will be so delighted.
Kspin, you already did when you sent me that email out of the blue ;) but feel free to do something else.
High hopes- tats aren't so scary, after the first 10 minutes that is.
Jennifer- i used to drool over other's cameras so its funny to have someone drooling over mine.
Sunshine, the Rooster is the Sister's family symbol, but not the JimmyEW/Sassy family symbol. That has been a tree for us, just by our own choosing.
Oh my word - I always wondered how bad a tattoo hurt or not. I have actually thought about getting one but just can't bring myself to do it.
How sweet on the letters! Enjoy.
The nicest thing someone has done for me lately was my friend giving me a special handmade necklace she had bought at a fair and wanted to share with me as a token of our friendship. Now I need to go do something. Not sure what. Maybe I'll take your example and babysit my friend's kids. That does mean a lot to people needing to get out!
This is such a lovely thing that Jimmy did. So cool. I'm still sick, so I don't have much more to say... but he's a keeper, that Jimmy!
WOW! What he did for you with the letters is just amazing--brought tears to my eyes! And I can't believe you got a tattoo--I LOVE IT!!
I LOVE our tats. Pretty Cool, but I do have to say, even though it certainly isn't manly - It hurt like a son of gun. WOW. Pain for an entire hour. Ouch.
And thanks everyone for the nice comments. :))
BTW- Ashlee - When Sassy is reading comments to me (cause I can't read them at work - blocked) I always ask 'what did Ashlee say?'
Your entry brought tears to my eyes.
Nice tattoo!
You can find my tip at:
Laane on the World
Have a great week and an amazing spring!!!
Frank...I LOVE YOU!
That's such a sweet thing Jimmy did with the letters :-)
Love the tats!! You are brave, I couldn't take the pain.
Thanks for the love Jimmy! :0) That made my day!
wow - such beautiful tats - I love the meaning behind them... someday maybe I will do something similar... when I find "the one"... and a new camera to boot - can't beat that! Sister Honey Bunch sent me a quote about taking lots of pics before the moment is gone...
And the letters from your friends - wow - that is the most amazing gift anyone could ever give!!
I'm a lucky girl :)
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