Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Like You Care About My Resolutions.

Truly, how many bloggers are out there this week writing about how they're going to turn a new leaf and make new changes in their lives for the new year? They're going to get a better job, make more money, lose weight, what have you. Most of us go strong for a few weeks then throw our resolutions to the way side. So this year my resolutions will be tracked periodically here with my good Sister Honey Bunch by my side and maybe a reader or two.

So this year's resolution is (drum roll please)

Prepare For Rain

What does that mean? Well I watched a little movie that had an excellent story (however mediocre to bad acting) and that movie was called Facing Giants. It's a faith based movie surrounding good old southern football but what I took away from it was how faith can change your life. Now I've always been a girl who's had a strong faith, I call it my "Semi-Charmed Life" and my favorite part of the bible has always been the part about the woman who had been bleeding for an insane number of years and she goes to touch Jesus robe thinking if she can just touch it she will be healed. And Jesus does heal her saying "You faith has healed you". My Semi-Charmed life has always been activated in times of crisis and turmoil. Things slide by and I survive by the grace of God alone. I have always had faith in his ability to protect and care for me but I've never thought of faith in him just plain taking care of me before the crisis comes. Prepare for rain is a whole other level of faith.

This comes from a story in the movie this guy tells the Football Coach. It's about two farmers who pray to God for rain during a drought, both farmers put it in God's hands but only one farmer goes out and prepares his field for the rain, which farmer do you think trusted God more?

So I have more resolutions, but this year I'm going to prepare that they will come to fruition this time. So here they are:

1. Find joy in my body
2. Eat better and exercise more
3. Get a homestead.
4. Read the bible all the way through
5. Get that Tattoo
6. Write in this blog and have fun with it.

Preparing for rain doesn't apply to all of these but my husband and I have already decided to start packing so we'll be ready to move when it does rain and I think I'll buy a pair of dream pants for when it rains. The rest I'll just track through here. So whether you care or not, here it is!

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Anonymous said...

I just started an online study that has you read the entire Bible in 90 Days.

Loved Facing The Giants. Can't wait for you to get your rain.

Anonymous said...

Okay so whos going to keep their resolutions for 2008? Honey Bunch or Sister Sassy. Found the articles very funny. Especially the butt-crack one.

Jim Burke II said...

I love it, prepare for rain and it will come! Expectency is the seed for miracles. Ask and you shall recive. Knock and the door shall be opened.

I love you gals!

Anonymous said...

Sister, I care about you and your resolutions more than you know. But what I care about more is why me, the Scrappy Bitch Step-Sister" was not invited to me one of the Sisters of a Different Order. I can throw hot dog bits and blueberries on my floor and leave them there if that's what it takes. What the hell?!

mom of 2 said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!

I haven't seen that movie, but have heard of it. We'll have to check it out. I like your resolutions...especially the loving your body part. I think that's a hard thing for most women to do!

There are so many guides out there about reading the bible. I've started so many times and made it half way through Genesis and quit. I think skipping around will help to keep it more interesting. I think it's ok for me to say some parts of the Bible are pretty boring...isn't it?? :)

Sister 7 said...

I like the analogy prepare for rain. You should read George Muller - his story is an awesome one on preparing for rain. He was the founder and provider of thousands of orphans in England. He did this with no form of income. It is the book written in the book list we all wrote in. It is an easy read and everyone should read it.