Saturday, July 12, 2008

Beach Balancing Act

This week's photo hunt theme was support. I really wanted to find a great picture of someone offering emotional support but I couldn't really think of one I had on short notice. I could have taken one had I planned better, lol. I do have a great shot of one sister holding her boobs together, but I didn't think she'd appreciate me posting that.

So instead I posted a shot of Kiki standing in the water, his weight supported by a large rock, arms flung out to help his balance. I like the shot and of course I think he's darling.

Happy hunting!

What's that? You want to comment? Just click on the itty-bitty words below that say "Gimme Some Sugar". Can you see them? Good. We can't wait to chat with you.


Anonymous said...

lol ... great shot, I can just sense the slash that was a coming!

I couldn't find that emotional kinda support photo either and settled on a one legged seagull in need of support ;-)


Anonymous said...

oops, I meant "splash :D

Mitey Mite said...

I agree, he is darling! And good interpretation of support, too.

Anonymous said...

He is cute as a button.

Jen said...

I agree both on the shot and of course, about Kiki being darling!

Karen Coutu said...

Great photo! You can see that he is really concentrating by his expression.

Here's mine . . .

Harajuku PearL said...

Awww that is just so adorable. He could be a professional gymniast in future, he balances well ;)

Pearl - happy weekend n do drop by if you have the time

Leslie: said...

Aw,,,what a cutie pie! And I bet you were right there at the ready to support him should he fall! :D

Anonymous said...

Very darling!

Wade Huntsinger said...

Looks like fun to me